Sunday, April 12, 2020

Coronavirus India update:April 12

Coronavirus India update:April 12

Coronavirus in India: Total number of positive cases (including deaths): 8,660 as of April 12.

Coronavirus in India: States/UTs with confirmed positive cases (Details are updated as we receive information)

Kerala: 373
Punjab: 158
Delhi: 1069
Jammu and Kashmir: 224
Ladakh: 15
Rajasthan: 796
Uttar Pradesh: 452
Maharashtra: 1,893
Karnataka: 226
Tamil Nadu: 969
Telangana: 504
Haryana: 179
Andhra Pradesh: 417
Himachal Pradesh: 32
Gujarat: 493
Uttarakhand: 35
Odisha: 50
West Bengal: 134
Chandigarh: 19
Chhattisgarh: 18
Madhya Pradesh: 532
Bihar: 64
Puducherry: 7
Manipur: 2
Mizoram: 1
Goa: 7
Andaman and Nicobar Islands: 11
Jharkhand: 17
Assam: 29
Arunachal Pradesh: 1
Tripura: 2

States/UTs death toll (Details are updated as we receive information) Total deaths in India: 277

Andhra Pradesh: 6
Assam: 1
Bihar: 1
Delhi: 14
Gujarat: 23
Himachal Pradesh: 2
Haryana: 3
Jammu and Kashmir: 4
Jharkhand: 2
Karnataka: 6
Kerala: 3
Madhya Pradesh: 34
Maharashtra: 121
Odisha: 1
Punjab: 12
Rajasthan: 8
Tamil Nadu: 11
Telangana: 11
Uttar Pradesh: 5
West Bengal: 9

coronavirusworld update: Globally, the death toll due to the coronavirus surpassed 108,865 and the number of infections rose to 1,781,383. So far, over half a million people in the US have been infected by the novel coronavirus, and the death toll has surged past 20,000.