Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose life story

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
part 1

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Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was one of the brightest astrologers of India's independence movement. His outstanding contribution to India's independence is not for any of us What he has done for the country may not have been done by many political leaders
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was born on January 27, 1970 in Cuttack town in present-day Odisha. His father's name was Shri Jankinath Basu, who was then a famous lawyer in Cuttack city and his mother was the effigy goddess.
Did you know, he was the ninth child of his parents' fourteen children His Majesty was Sharat Chandra Bose, who loved him very much, and he was also a close friend of the younger Netaji.
This patriotism between Netaji and his father was awakened Although his father served in a British-ruled government office, he attended all congressional sessions and served the common people. He favored indigenous and national educational institutions

From an early age, Subhas Chandra was very focused on study, and his primary education began at a Protestant European school in Cuttack. He then joined the Ravenshaw Collegiate School in Cuttack in the 5th

During his schooling, he was particularly impressed with the personality of Benimadhab Das, the principal of the school, and with his help, the younger Subhas, who was keen to read Swami Vivekananda's book.
Subhas Chandra Bose, however, later mentioned in his writings that Swami Vivekananda's books and writings made him a freedom fighter. Reading Swamiji's book, he finds the true purpose of his life

Netaji with the German Army

The year 1, when Netaji took first place in Calcutta in matriculation examination. He then entered the Presidency of Kolkata in the 5th, but there was a fierce conflict between the teachers and the students for anti-India differences.
In that conflict, since Subhas Chandra was in favor of Indian students, he was expelled from the college for a year and was not allowed to take the exam.
He passed the BA examination with honors in philosophy, from the Scottish Church College affiliated to the University of Calcutta.
After completing his studies in Kolkata, Subhash Chandra Bose enrolled in higher education at Physwilliam College, University of Cambridge. There, he secured a fourth position in the Civil Service Examination, but he refused the appointment to be a revolutionary point of view.....................